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Two great men with life long service of others.
Dr Nicolas Hastier Regent Emeritus OSMTJ
Gen. Ron Mangum Grand Master OSMTJ.

Background of H.E. Grand Master Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD

Dr. Daithi O'Briain and his lovely wife Lady Maire Ui Bhriain were Knighted in their home Ireland under the OSMTJ Grand Master Michael Van Der Stock. After disagreements from several Grand Priories in the Order under GM Van Der Stock He then went on with those Grand Priories to serve under GC Romolo Lucioli who served Regent Nicolas Haimovici Hastier. Under Regent Hastier Daithi was then made Grand Secretary General for the Regent. There was a divide in the Order and Daithi stepped down and brought Ireland under Grand Master Albino Neves of the OSMTHMM with the Recommendation of then Grand Chancellor Gen Ron Mangum. At the election of General Ron Mangum as Grand Master, Daithi was brought back as the Grand Secretary General and continued to serve under G.M. Mangum and Grand Master Albino Neves which within months brought the 2 Orders together in mutual recognition which has not been done since the division. Daithi wanted to continue in the position to bring more Orders back together but his wife's cancer took a turn for the worse and had to step down. He reopened his idea and dream of the S.M.O.K.P.J. for all Christian Knightly Orders to be able to come and work together since the Crusades and was able to bring all of his contacts in the Orders together and work for this greater good. Once he had it going and he felt he could not add much more he would turn the Order over to his next best pick who he believed could contribute the most hoping to grow the Order. GM Daithi O'Briain has tried to serve humanity as much as he was able... as did his lovely wife Lady Maire Ui Bhriain (R.I.P.). On their own in Ireland they were able raise over 250,000.00 Euro for several Charities around Ireland (Irish Cancer Society, Special Olympics Ireland, R.N.L.I., Cork Arc House Cancer Support and many others. GM Daith and his wife are also huge supporters of The Silent Knights (Started by Col. Craig Carlson).
GM Daithi is retired now from caring medically for Cancer Patience, his Antique Shops. He also worked for Walt Disney World and Universal Studios and served in the Military as a Paratrooper.

Forwarded original message from the OSMTJ Ireland to Regent Nicolas Hastier 28th April 2018.
The official date I was to become head of The Order of the Dragon would be 30th April 2018 for Regent Hastiers approval of the wording. It was accepted. From that point on even behind the scenes over the years until his passing I was an advisor to him as to the Grand Priors and Officers for approval and what was recommended. He would accept my recommendations most of the time as we talked things through. His Excellency was strong willed but after awhile even after our falling out for a little over 5 month we spoke on the phone and he was able to correct his mistakes due to misinformation of corrupt Officers of the Order. Before his passing
4th March 2023 we were 100% brothers again. Nicolas Hamovici Hastier was my friend.... we spoke almost daily through my wife Maire Ui Bhriain's Cancer journey.... I miss him very much.

GM Dr Daithi O'Briain in Smederevo Serbia
with his friend Police Officer Edi.

A lovely Dedication in the book sent to me from Regent Prof. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier PhD OSMTJ KTJ. (Rest in Peace). Years ago Regent Hastier picked me to be Grand Secretary General of the Order as well as to head The Order of the Dragon FOR LIFE... The Order of the Dragon was bestowed on Regent Hastier by Grand Master Georges Lamirand who held the title and wished it to be passed on due to his age internally of the Templar Order. This is a very secret Order to guide the Templars into the future making sure it remains in Christian hands and not taken over by any independent Organization or Order. Regent Hastier was concerned with the direction the E.U. and the World were heading with open borders and corruption in the governments around the world... especially Europe as the streets were becoming unsafe and this was a major reason for making the Order active again in the O.S.M.T.J. and getting trusted people in positions. We worked hard to bring the Order back in line and active again as it was over 20 years before. He listened to me intently and on my recommendation recognized 24 Grand Priories as well as made his dear friend Grand Prior of Austria Prof. Gen Ronald Mangum U.S. Army Retired to Grand Chancellor of the Order positioning him to be Elected the Grand Master of the Order. In our positions the 3 of us were able to get the Order running very smoothly with several bumps in the road but later working them out to what we have today, over 45 Grand Priories!!. I have been BLESSED to be working with and advising 2 such great men of our Order and now being a Grand Secretary General Emeritus as well as Grand Prior of Ireland Emeritus and Grand Prior of Austria Emeritus now a suitable replacement has been found. It has been an Honor and Privilege to serve this Grand Order with my dear brothers and sisters. I am still the holder of the Head of The Order of the Dragon "Templar Inner Sanctum" that Regent Hastier once held as he needed to pass on this position knowing his time was short at his age.

The Grand Prior of Serbia HE Slobodan Troperic presenting a Recognition Certificate to GM Daithi O'Briain for helping in the Recognition and Support of the creation of the OSMTJ/OTJ Grand Priory of Serbia.