The Silent Knight

Colonel Chev. Craig L. Carlson, O.S.M.T.H. USA, GCTJ, CMTJ, KSG, CSE
SILENT KNIGHT is the story of one man's effort to make a difference in his community. It is a story of love, compassion, mentoring and dignity. The author weaves a delicate message of service to others with a beautiful love story that captures your heart. You will cry, laugh and wonder at the simplicity and beauty of the SILENT KNIGHT. It is a story for all ages.
SILENT KNIGHT is the first book in a trilogy centered on the life and legacy of Sir Donald Wilhelm Peterson, a fictitious retired Army colonel and Knight Templar. SILENT KNIGHT is a mixture of fact and fiction...the charity is real and many elements of the story have been derived from the author's experiences and persons he has known.
Perhaps you can become a SILENT KNIGHT. If you have the desire, passion, caring soul, respect and dignity of character represented by this story, you too can make a difference. Read this book and ask yourself, "WHY NOT?"
Our Story
Dear Friends,
The S.M.O.K.P.J. highly recommends the Silent Knight.
Your interest in SILENT KNIGHT has probably been inspired by a friend in one of the many Orders we support or acquaintance that has read the book or is participating in this program of service; however, if you find yourself here and unfamiliar with this story, please take advantage of the information provided; we would love to include you in the growing numbers of SILENT KNIGHTS.
SILENT KNIGHTs serve others directly, anonymously, decide how much to give, how to meet the need, or what encouragement to send in an anonymous card. You will not get requests for more giving because you are anonymous. You will not create dependency because there is no expectation of more. What you will do is send an undeniable message that someone cares.
This SILENT KNIGHT website gives you an introduction to a book that can change your life and improve the lives of others in your community through anonymous acts of charity. The book has inspired charity in twenty eight nations that we are aware of. It has been adopted by two chivalric orders of knighthood to provide their members a challenge of service in their daily lives.
Please also read the manual of conduct for domestic participation (US National) or the International participation version that applies to your personal situation.
The SILENT KNIGHT program described in the book can be performed as an individual or as a group. Individuals decide when, who to aide, and how much to give. SILENT KNIGHT groups normally meet once a month, nominate charitable acts in their community and take up a “blind” collection (donations that only the individual giving knows how much) to meet the specific needs nominated. All (100%) of the funds collected for SILENT KNIGHT go to the charitable efforts of the individual SILENT KNIGHT or the group’s nominated efforts.
Best wishes and blessings to you this day.
Col. (Ret.) Craig Carlson, USA, GMTJ, GCTJ, KSG
and Mo Carlson, DGOTJ
When Col. Carlson first asked me to read the draft version of the first three chapters of this book, I put it in my briefcase as “airplane reading” where I could digest it without telephone interruptions and other distractions. One week later, I was on a flight to Dallas and pulled it out of my briefcase and began reading. I was immediately intrigued and more accurately “hooked.”
This story came to life for me as I was drawn into the character of the retired U.S. Army Colonel who uses his position as a Knight in the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem [The Knights Templar] to do good for others less fortunate, and further uses those good deeds as the catalyst to train young men [and later young ladies] about the personal satisfaction and wonderful feeling of service to mankind that comes from such acts of the heart. I couldn’t put the draft copy down until I’d read it twice.
I called Col. Carlson from Dallas to ask when I could read the rest of the book? That opportunity came three months later when he completed the final draft. Once again, I read the final version on an airplane, this time on the way to Europe. I freely confess that parts of it made me, a grown and retired military man, cry with tears of joy at the absolute goodness that was being achieved by this kind and caring Silent Knight. I could identify with the main character, Colonel Peterson, who had first served his nation in combat and mortal danger, and was now, with the strong support of a wonderful life’s companion and wife, using his maturity, experience and leadership to pass along the wonderful feeling of fulfillment and serenity gained from simply and anonymously helping one’s fellow and less fortunate citizens meet their individual needs.
Col. Carlson, as the author of Silent Knight, has truly identified something in the soul of mankind that causes many of us to seek a greater good than simply the standard pursuit of material things for our families and selves. He has found an inner sanctum that not everyone can describe; but a quiet and peaceful security within oneself that comes from wanting to do something to make the lives of complete strangers better for the simple reason that it’s the right thing to do. And to do so anonymously, not seeking thanks or personal aggrandizement, but rather the simple satisfaction of having done something good that has made the life of another better for one shining moment.
I feel we are all fortunate that he has taken the time to put these thoughts and concept in written form where it can be shared with others, and where you, the reader, can, as I did, experience the absolute and unselfish goodness that mankind can exhibit if only given the tools of an honorable life and the desire to make ours a better world for everyone, and not just those who are in our immediate families.
I am honored to have been given the opportunity to read this book before publication, and to share my thoughts with Col. Carlson, and to be further honored by being asked to provide this Foreword as my small part of this magnificent effort. If this book encourages just one human being to do just one kind thing for another human being, then it will have been both successful and a living memorial to all things good in the Eyes of God. And if it encourages hundreds or thousands to do so and to do so anonymously, so much more the better to carry out the motto of The Knights Templar, which is NON NOBIS DOMINE, NON NOBIS, SED NOMINI TUO DA GLORIAM, “Not Unto Us, Oh Lord, Not Unto Us, But To THY NAME Give Glory.”
This book, through its main character, the old Colonel, carries out that motto each and everyday, and it is indeed a superb example for all of us to follow. I intend to emulate The Colonel, and by so doing, make ours a better world and my life a better example for those who follow in my footsteps to make our planet, truly, a place where each of us cares more about others than we do our own personal comforts.
God Bless All Who Read These Words,
RADM [Ret.] James J. Carey,
International Grand Commander
of The Knights Templar O.S.M.T.H.

Colonel Chev. Craig L. Carlson, USA, GCTJ, CMTJ, KSG, CSE