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To support and defend the Holy Land of Israel


"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10
We are a Knights Order Association founded in the Holy Lands of Israel and Ireland and are spreading around the globe in so many other countries. We are Knights and Dames in legitimate Chivalric Orders. There are many Christian Knights Orders in the world that continue to do acts of chivalry. In this dark world of today with war, famine, natural disasters, tyrannical governments and plague with deaths and injuries running rampant the Knights of our forefathers and their acts of chivalry are needed now more than ever.
This Order Association which allows all Knights and Dames of legitimate Christian and Royal Knightly Orders weather Catholic or Protestant are welcome to be a part. We do NOT try to take over any Knightly Order nor do we wish to impose any new rules or regulations on your own Orders. We are a Brother and Sisterhood and Association that wishes to be a bridge, an umbrella and gateway between Orders. We have seen so many posts of un-Christian jealousy and competitiveness that has caused so much strife between Knightly Orders that it saddens so many that such walls have been built between good Christian Orders who have the same goals of Charity and Chivalry. We also do not impose any rules or regulations that would violate your own Order or Christian Values.
The main body of the Order is based in The Holy Land of Israel and another in the Holy Land of Ireland where many of the Knights had retired and much of the food supplied to the Holy Land in the times of the Crusades had come from. Ireland is also one of the actual beginnings and endings of the Camino de Santiago, The
Comino Way Ireland Camino Society Ireland - All about the Camino de Santiago

We are an Knights Order for the Knight Pilgrims to the Holy Lands of Israel and Ireland. We would like to provide you with ideas of travel and Holy Locations that were and still are Holy locations of the Knights Orders from before the times of, during and after the Crusades. It is also a way for Knights and Dames to meet and share time in the Holy Lands if you are looking for ideas on locations to visit as well as stay such as historic castles or manor homes now turned into B&B's.
If you are looking to get a group together for travel you can email us and we can try to get other like minded Knights and Dames coordinated with you and your group that fits your travel agenda.
Funds raised are used for the restoration of historic locations preservation as well as helping the poor.

When you join our Order you are able to wear the Jerusalem Cross. The Cross of the Holy Land Pilgrim which represents our Order.
If your Order, Grand Priory or an Individual Knight or Dame would like to join our Order please send us an E-mail and we will send you a form to fill out. Again if you wish to join our Order you must already be a Knight or Dame of a legitimate Order which is listed on this site. With your form it must be accompanied by a letter by your Grand Prior or registered Officer of your Grand Priory or Officer of the Order.
If there is not a Grand Priory or Commandery of our Order in Your country you would like to start a Grand Priory or Commandery there please let us know and we will see if we can work something out and get it started.
Knights Orders being recognized by the S.M.O.K.P.J. :
The website links below are important sites for us. Please feel free to click the links and keep up with their activity.
Order of Lazarus
Order or St. John's
Order of Malta
Order of the Holy Sepulchre
Teutonic Knights
Knights of the Cross with the Red Star
Societas Draconistarum | OSMTH Ireland
Order of Saint Stephen Pope and Martyr
Supreme Order of Christ
Order of the Golden Spur
Order of Pius IX
Order of St. Gregory the Great
Order of St. Sylvester
Order of the Holy Ghost
1: O.S.M.T.H. Magnum Magisterium
3: Knights of Christ
4: O.S.M.T.J./O.T.J. (
Order of Solomon K.O.C.: Solomon's Order Knights of Christ - Humanity (
✠OSMTH Magnum Magisterium ✠Introduction & Rules (
Information on the OSMTHMM : G.S.G.
L’Ordre de Saint Pierre Apôtre - OSPA
Présentation de l'Ordre (
O.S.P.A. Ireland
Templar Research Institute

St. Helena finding the true cross
If your Order is NOT listed above, please contact us with the Name of your Order, Location of the Order, the Grand Master or Master of your Order, websites and contact information. We will see if it meets our criteria and if so will add your Order as well as accept any of your Knights and Dames.
Reasons to join our Association:
A note from the GM
I am ALWAYS HAPPY TO ANSWER questions my dear brothers and sisters.
As Ambassadors and Officers you will be one of the main contacts for another Order to contact when they have a request or asking information. some of the requests are as follows.
1. To visit an Orders Brothers or Sisters for an event in yours or their local area.
2. To attend a meeting for coordination of possible emergency events that may come up in the future.
(Some Orders do not have many Knights and Dames in local areas and if there is an emergency such as a flood or earthquake or some other negative situation where they may need help, it is a way for all of these Knights and Dames to maybe coordinate others to attend and help.)
3. Social Events, such as brother and sister events and invitations.
4. Helping with charity events such as raising money for medical treatments, helping the poor and homelessness. etc.
Everyone realises (The more people you have volunteering the more efficiently funds and help in other areas can be raised.
The S.M.O.K.P.J. is just a way to get all of these Christian Knights Orders that work harder for the common good, now they can have the opportunity expand and help so many other Orders and people and strengthen our Christian bonds.
The history of this Order "Association" was GM Dr. Daithi O'Briain of Ireland idea about 5 years ago with a conversation with our dear brother GME Dr. Alex Levin of Israel whom we have known for many years. He thought it a great idea and we had soooo much support from other Orders. it has really exciting sooo many brothers and sisters and leaders of Orders around the world wanted to be part of this amazing opportunity. Many have tried and failed to bring these Knightly Orders together but accomplished this with little or very limited success. We and many of our other brothers and sisters started networking and the Lord has made it happen.
Now we can invite so many people from other Orders around the world to our events for brother and sisterhood and get to know each other without jealousy and being cautious of the others. It is now a: Meet them and give them a brotherly hug situation.
Unfortunately, brother GME Dr. Alex is in a fight with Cancer at this time and we send our prayers to him. He asked me to take over. But of coourse I keep him updated.
*****FOOTNOTE: Membership in the S.M.O.K.P.J. ASSOCIATION is NOT an obligation to be called up for Emergencies or Catastrophic Events. It is a registration of YOUR ORDER to be possibly available for such events.
If a Knightly Order contacts your Order or Grand Priory to attend a local or International event, Your Grand Prior, Grand Master, Commander can send you an email or contact you to see if you are available to attend or be of service. Again there is NO OBLIGATION.
We do recommend as a Member you should attend First Aid and CPR Classes with an Accredited Service. Several who offer this service are:
Knights of Malta (Order of Malta, Maltesers)
Order of St. John's (Knights of St. John's)
Red Cross
I hope this answers a few of your questions.
Any questions or additions you would like to make... PLEASE do not hesitate.
Kindest regards
Nec Vult Deus perire animam
Grand Chancellor, GME Rev. Dr. Daithi O'Briain ThD
GPK, KTJ, Grand Cross
GM O.O.D. The Order of the Dragon (Societas Draconistarum)
Grand Advisor to Ireland and Great Britain OSMTHMM
Grand Commander OSPA Ireland
(Order of St. Peter the Apostle, Commandery of St. Patrick)
Grand Prior Ireland Emeritus O.T.J./OSMTJ Global)and OSMTHMM
Grand Secretary General Emeritus O.T.J./O.S.M.T.J. Global
Magistral Council Legate for Europe Emeritus
O.T.J./OSMTJ Global - The Official International Home of the OSMTJ Knights Templar
Gran Priorato Templário do Brasil - Cavalaria Espiritual São João Batista - OSMTH - Brasil
President Irish American Templar Society
President Celtic Hiberno Templar Knights Association
1: Before all else, dear brothers, love the Lord thy God with all of your strength and all your might. Love your neighbour as thyself, because these are the chief commandments given to us.
2: The Master of the Order is Master for 10 years and be at least 55 Years old. If the Master steps down the Regent (Chancellor) shall take over the Order and choose a new Chancellor that shall succeed him/her.
3: New Rules and Regulations shall be submitted in writing to the Magisterial Council and voted on. All submitted Rules and Regulations MUST hold a UNANIMOUS vote and then sent to the Master to be signed and sealed for APPROVAL. The Master of the Order shall have FINAL SAY as to the approval over the new rule or regulation. Unless the new Rule or Regulation is signed and sealed by the Master of the Order it will NOT be in effect until it has been done so.
4: All officers of the Magisterial Council can only be approved by the Master of the Order. Any recommendations must be submitted in writing to the Master, he/she in turn will approve the Knight/Dame to the Council for secret vote. The vote must be unanimous. Again, the Master will have the final say for the individual.
5: All officers of the Magisterial Council MUST be a Grand Prior or if there is no Grand Prior,, a Commander in their respective countries
6: The Master of the Order MUST "live or have visited the Holy Land of Israel.
7: All financial accounts of the Order should have ""at least 3 names"" on the account chosen by the Master for security purposes in case of death or emergencies. Each transaction should have 2 signatures of those named.
8: All members of the Order shall be Knights or Dames in a legitimate recognized Order. Their names can be submitted by their Grand Master or Grand Prior otherwise Rule 9 will be in effect.
9: All perspective members shall fill out the required membership form and submitted, signed by themselves and an Officer of their Order with a copy of their proof of identification and membership.
10: Since all perspective members are Knights and Dames of legitimate Knights Orders there should be no need for vetting of the Knight or Dame. Since this is a Christian Order we hope and pray that the Knight/Dame should have the Honour of Honesty and Integrity before the eyes of God to live this life of true chivalry. But the question shall be asked on the membership form.
11: If an individual Knight or Dame wishes to join the Order in a full capacity and not as an Association of Knights and Dames they may do so but must submit all documentation for proper vetting.
12: The Orders rules and regulations must be followed, but no rule or regulation may be made that will diminish or conflict with the Orders of the Knight/Dame they belong and placing unnecessary burden on the Knights/Dames. We all know that we cannot serve 2 Masters but we can belong to more than one Order under these circumstances where it remains an association of Christian Knights and Dames. Our Supreme Master is of course our Lord God Almighty and His King He placed over us Our Lord Jesus Christ.
13: The Cross of the Order is a Jerusalem Cross (Pilgrims Cross) and all Knights and Dames are eligible to wear it as a Neck Cross or Medal worn on the left breast. The Neck Cross should be worn higher and closer to the neck than the medal of the Order the Knights and Dames are members of unless their Orders neck medal is worn that way, then it should be in the reverse.
14: The Mantel of the Order shall be white or Black with a red or gold Jerusalem Cross worn on the right shoulder except the priest of the Order who shall have the Jerusalem Cross as they see fit.
15: All new member Orders shall be approved by the Magisterial Council and then submitted to the master of the Order for final approval. Then all of their Knights and Dames will be eligible.
16: Our Motto is: Nec Vult Deus perire animam ("God does not want any soul to perish")

We are here and do what we do because we want to, not because we have to. Our reward is not of this World but of the next. Our time is short in this World, but in the endour Lord gives us an eternity. The evil one has nothing to offer us but temporary success and then death... an eternal death of suffering. Remember an Eternity is a long long time...
Our Lord Jesus Christ offers us an eternal happiness. This is our reward.
This World and system is the evil ones. Jesus did not deny this when he was offered the kingdoms of the world if He did an act of worship to him. If our Lord did this, we would not have been forgiven our sins. We can see this system is the evil ones by seeing what happens daily: Wars, sickness, destruction, rampant crime, corruption, imperfect governments and finally death, etc.
We perform charity work, help those in need, try to help all we can in the Lords name before we pass. We do not brag or boast and try not to let others know what we do. The Silent Knights) We do this in secret.
(Remember man cannot rule man) The only perfect Kingdom is our Lord God almighty's
Pray for it everyday of our lives.
Our Lord's work is our mission. Our reward is in the next world.
The Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you safe.