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Global Templar Grand Master
Association Order
Bridging the Global Templar Orders by Recognition Treaty and working together as well as breaking down walls of "division" and offering invitations to conclaves events, fund raisers for charities as well as calling on each other for National and Global Emergencies.
Contact the Secretary for more information.
The S.M.O.K.P.J. has a high degree of integrity. Therefore the Global Templar Order is a project we support wholeheartedly. We hope The Grand Master of your Order takes the time to read this page and understand it is a bridge to the Global Templar Community. These Orders are not the Knights Order, but the Lord Jesus Christs Order of whom all Christian Knights serve. The Lord is our Grand Commander and we all know He wants us all to serve Him as Brothers and Sisters. Remember there is strength in numbers, not division. Where there is division, there is where satan and his demons dwell. They are master deceivers and liars and all they wish to do is divide our Lords children, servants and families. Don't let satan win this battle. We are at the End of Times, let us build the bridges, not let satan destroy them. Always remember the old Templar saying:
The Lord wills it..

Bridge the Templar Knights Orders for our Lord Jesus Christs sake and our own. Non Nobis
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